SIRIS Academic
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Website: https://www.sirisacademic.com/wb/
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Website: https://www.focusup.eu
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Website: http://www.pluricite.fr
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Website: https://bcs-consult.net
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Website: http://cooperationuniversitaire.com
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Website: https://www.lattanziokibs.com/en/advisory.html
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Website: http://www.ade.eu
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Website: https://hp.icon-institute.de
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Website: http://www.policycenters.org
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Website: https://www.abwab.ma
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Website: https://www.planetepublique.fr
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François Mouterde is a Planète Publique partner. His expertise in evaluation and citizen initiatives is 30 years old. He is French Evaluation Society’s Honorary Chairman, he teaches evaluation of public policies at Sciences Po Paris.
Benoit Simon is partner and cofounder of Planète Publique. He leads the environment and sustainable growth division. He is also President of the 4D association in sustainable development and public policies.
Thibaut Desjonquères is a partner and cofounder of Pluricité consultancy in 2004. He teaches in Sciences Po Paris.His main areas are socioeconomic and social evaluations, and expert in sports and inclusion programmes for the Youth.
Nicolas Subileau is the managing partner of Pluricité consultancy. He is a senior expert in impact evaluation and strategicforesight, including NGOs and international aid development projects. He is the director of the Master in evaluation in Sciences Po Lyon
Alix de Saint-Albin is the managing partner and co-manager of Pluricité, and Head of Synoptic, the Pluricité Branchspecialized in statistics adapted to evaluation of public policies.
Nadine Burquel in an international expert in higher education. She has been specializing in European training strategiesand policies, and higher education for 35 years. She assisted EFMD (2013-2018), a global network that promotes management excellence in business schools. Previously she was Secretary-General of ESMU, the European Centre for the Strategic Management of Universities.
Dr. Patrick Werquin is an education economist, and University professor at CNAM. He is an international consultant specialized in vocational education.
Patrick Vander Weyden is the founder and director of Focus Up, a consultancy specialized in impact evaluation.He is also an expert and researcher in evaluation, for developing countries and European as well as international organisations. He has experience in leading NGOs (Cambodia) and management reforms in social economy.
Dr. Ashley Ater Kranov is the executive director of the Global Professional Skills Assessment, LLC. She is an expertin accreditation and quality assurance for higher education institutions, and engineering schools, in the USA and Gulf States. She is Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State University.
Fiona Crozier is an international consultant in quality assurance. She was a senior officer and head of international officeat the Quality Assurance Agency QAA and served as Vice-President of the European Association for Quality Assurance (ENQA). She has been involved in more than 40 projects on quality assurance across the European higher education area, Middle-Eat, Africa, South America and South-East Asia. She was Director of quality assurance at University College Cork, Ireland.
Dr. Laetitia Gérard is a senior consultant on higher education and pedagogy, impact evaluation of pedagogical innovation,doctoral schools, VET. She operates in Madagascar, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Cameroon Tunisia, Haiti, Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Mauritania, Egypt, DRC Lebanon….
Bruno Curvale is director of the higher education division at France Expertise International, and international expertin quality assurance and mediation, working on Central Asia, Europe, Maghreb and France. Bruno was President of the European Association for Quality Assurance (ENQA). He is the President of the Accreditation Committee of Luxembourg.
Alexander Kohler is an expert advisor in public policies management, at the Ministry of education in Austria.He was director of the Austrian agency in quality assurance. He serves on the Albanian Accreditation Board. He is a consultant on quality assurance and higher education (Africa, Maghreb, Europe).
Dr. Eric Lanoue is a sociologist and an education and training expert in development policies, especially in Africa.
Suzannah Newham is a senior consultant on sustainable and ecological tourism projects, at the UK-based Travel Foundation.
Dr. Ethel Valenzuela is director at Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat, and expert in Asian higher education.
Mihaylo Milovanovitch is an international expert in education and integrity in highereducation.He is part of the Center for Applied Policy and Integrity, which is the institutional home of a network of international experts, sympathizers and supporters and is partnering with a range of like-minded institutions (OECD, the Open Society Foundations, UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning, the European Educational Research Association (EERA), the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), the Network of Education Policy Centers of South East Europe (NEPC), and a range of civil society organizations in East and South-East Europe, Central Asia, Northern Africa and the Caucasus.
Milica Popovitch is a political analyst, specialized in qualitative research, public policies analysis andpublic policies development. She lectures at Science Po Paris. As a multilingual expert, she leads higher education expertise and evaluations around the world.
Gildas Gauthier is heading EVAL Conseil office. He has specialized in evaluation of social policies,systems and educational infrastructures, training, for France and foreign countries. He has a vast experience in managing social and cultural service structures in France.
Dr. Vannet Chea is the pedagogic head at “Pour un sourire d’enfant”. He is an expert in pedagogical and educational development programs, especially in early childhood.
Dr. Rolf Heusser is a quality assurance international expert, doctor in public health, and former director of the Swiss’ quality assurance office.
Kevin Williams is an expert in public policies evaluation. He currently works as a consultant,after a 15-year experience as the Head of the OECD In-depth Evaluation office and senior evaluator at the European Commission.
Dr. Christine Chen is an international expert in early childhood, founding member of the AERNEC (Asia Pacific Regional Network for early childhood).
Dr. Beatrice Matafwali is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Educational Psychology, Sociology and Special Education, in Zambia.
Dr. Jan Nieuwenhuis is a University faculty teacher researcher, and chief of the humanity department, Pretorian University, South Africa
Dr. Sok SOVANNARITH is a doctor in medicine, and senior expert at the Planète enfants & Développement NGO, specialized in early childhood development.
Raymon Mwesigye is an assistant professor at the Kigali University, and deputy director at CorpsAfrica,Rwanda. He teaches and designs educational programs.
Dr. Andre Vyt is an expert in quality assurance. Andre Vyt is associate professor in behavioural sciencesat the departments of health care and rehabilitation sciences (Artevelde University College & Ghent University) and responsible for quality management and research in teaching and learning in the department of teacher education (Artevelde University College). He is founding partner and managing director of PROSE, an expertise network in quality management.
Brian Begue is a consultant at the Pôle de Dakar, an international institution for education and planification, detained by the Unesco, and specialist in educational quality.
Dr. Patrick Werquin is an education economist, and professor at CNAM. He is an international consultant specialized in vocational education.
Ethel Valenzuela is director at Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat, and expert in Asian higher education.
Mihaylo Milovanovitch is an international expert in education and integrity in highereducation. He is part of the Center for Applied Policy and Integrity, which is the institutional home of a network of international experts, sympathizers and supporters and is partnering with a range of like-minded institutions (OECD, the Open Society Foundations, UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning, the European Educational Research Association (EERA), the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), the Network of Education Policy Centers of South East Europe (NEPC), and a range of civil society organizations in East and South-East Europe, Central Asia, Northern Africa and the Caucasus.
Dr. Jason Lane is a higher education expert and educational systems in innovation and leadership expert at the SUNY (State University of New York). Jason is Interim School of Education Dean and Associate Professor. Jason E. Lane is Chair of the Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, Director of the Cross-Border Education Research Team, and founding executive director of the SUNY Academic & Innovative Leadership Institute.
Dr. Sok SOVANNARITH has a PhD in public and tropical medicine, and senior expert at the Cambodia-based Planète enfants & Développement NGO, specialized in early childhood development.
Rolf Heusser is a quality assurance international expert, doctor in public health, and former director of the Swiss’ quality assurance office.
Dr. Christine Chen is an international expert in early childhood, founding member of the AERNEC (Asia Pacific Regional Network for early childhood).
Dr. Beatrice Matafwali is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Educational Psychology, Sociology and Special Education, at the University of Zambia.
Dr. Jan Nieuwenhuis is a teacher researcher, and chief of the humanity department, at Pretorian University, South Africa.
Raymon Mwesigye is an assistant professor at the Kigali University, and deputy director at CorpsAfrica, Rwanda. He teaches and designs educational programs.
Dr. Andre Vyt is an expert in quality assurance. Andre Vyt is associate professor in behavioural sciences at the departments of health care and rehabilitation sciences (Artevelde University College & Ghent University) and responsible for quality management and research in teaching and learning in the department of teacher education (Artevelde University College). He is founding partner and managing director of PROSE, an expertise network in quality management.
Dr. Emmanuel Golhé D’nalbaye is a sociology academic at N’Djaména University, Chad, and an independent consultant for international organisations on education and training.
Dr. Cheick Oumar FOMBA is a research supervisor at the l’Institut Supérieur de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée (ISFRA), Mali. He was the interim Head of the Division de la Recherche Pédagogique et de l’Evaluation du Centre National de l’Education du Mali.
Researcher and teacher at the Institut National de Documentation, de Recherche et d'Animation Pedagogiques INDRAP, Niger. He was Special Advisor in education, at the Prime Minister office, Niger.
These young talents contributed to the development of Learning Avenue and are solicited on a regular basis for assignments, according to their professional experience and skills in evaluation and strategy analysis.