Fabrice Hénard has been involved in evaluation and design of public policies for more than 20 years. After 5 years as secretary general of a local authority in France, Fabrice started as a senior evaluator at the Center for European Expertise and Evaluation – EUREVAL, from 1999 to 2003, conducting evaluations of economic, social and educational policies and contributed to European methodologies in evaluation. He was involved in the design of evaluation methodology & tools for Structural Funds (MEANS project) as well as for the EuropeAid Evaluation unit, specifically in education and human rights.
From 2003, Fabrice joined the French Agency for Evaluation of Higher Education and Research, leading university-wide evaluations and member of the international bureau. He has become an international expert in quality assurance at the European level (with the European Association of Quality Assurance) and at the INQAAHE (international network of quality assurance agencies in higher education).
From 2007, Fabrice joined the OECD Directorate for Education. He led projects on supporting quality teaching, governance and internationalization of higher education. He was involved in the AHELO project meant to assess learning outcomes across countries.
From 2013, Fabrice launched Learning Avenue consultancy, aimed to sustainably strengthen Human Capital and empower communities. Learning Avenue has conducted some 80 assignments in 60 different countries in France, Europe, Central and South-East Asia, Maghreb, Western and Austral Africa.
Concurrently, Fabrice is an international expert in higher education and quality assurance. He is the Secretary General of the Accreditation committee of Luxembourg since 2013, he serves on the Albanian Accreditation Board (2017- 2021), conducts quality audits and programme accreditation and assists the World Bank and Ministries on quality assurance and higher education reforms.
A French native, Fabrice is a graduate from Sciences Po-University Paris and holds a Master in Urban Policy and Development from Sciences Po-University Paris. He lives in Paris, works in French and English.